Join Sun at Harbin Hot Springs: Mar.1st, May 10th, June 7th, July 6th, Aug. 2th, Aug. 30th, Sept. 27th, Oct. 25th Dec. 6th (more dates in Recent Events)

Sun, at her favorite place at Alameda Beach, CA.

Sun, at her favorite place at Alameda Beach, CA.

“You help the world
by shining your
brightest light.”
– Sun Yom


Who is Sun?

Sun has been seeking full awakening since 1997, and now she is embodied in the light  and she continues to ripen. 

It has been her curiosity since she was seven years old to understand how some people are happy while others are sad in the same circumstance. Since then, she has searched for what it means to be happy and abundant. How can we stay happy? Just what does it mean to be free and present? What is love really?   

She remembers as a young girl in South Korea when she would go into the mountains with her grandmother to collect different types of medicinal leaves. She remembers her carefully categorizing and meditatively grinding them and mixing them to be used to heal people. (photo of herbs/mountains in South Korea. Little hands holding herb leaves)

“Sun never thought she would follow her grandmother’s footsteps of being a healer.”

She first awoke when she was 18 years old, after volunteering at a soup kitchen in Chicago’s north side. As an offering to the soup kitchen with her last remaining spending money, she bought two gallons of milk at Walgreens with a two for $5 coupon and took them to the soup kitchen. With a warm heart, she served the homeless and the impoverished. She left the soup kitchen at sunset in a state of gratitude and joy, then laid against a beautiful, majestic tree. Suddenly she was overwhelmed by an indescribable and profound feeling of love—nothing else existed except that moment. Every cell of her body was dripping in this feeling. In this awe, she stopped breathing for a few moments and wasn’t able to speak. Everything was rich and saturated in color. 

“She observed her surroundings with inspired wonder. All she could feel was this joy and freedom. She recognizes now that she was in the awakened state.” 

Since that moment,  she has had three more awakening events. The first two were temporary events, The third awakening event was stronger and Sun expected it to also be temporary but it wasn’t. This state of purely living in the freedom of the now, in authenticity and in the divine love/god/source has become a dominant state since then. 

In 1997 she began her formal journey, going to  a 10-day silent Vipassana Meditation Retreat, thus marking the beginning of her 23+ years of meditation and spiritual practice. She has researched high and low for answers, and now she has finally found the answers and how to help others get there. She healed and overcame extreme childhood challenges using a wide variety of healing methods and modalities. Sun has been refining her craft since 1997. Doing this healing to awakening work is her true  passion. She calls it Sun Process, the result of more than 10,000 hours of meditation experience as well as countless retreats, workshops and practicing various modalities of healing and awakening.


“The Sun Process is a culmination of the best techniques and modalities needed to accelerate to full awakening.


The 3 pillars of Sun Process (SP) are:

  •  Love in full spectrum: a positive thought to the embodiment of unconditional divine love. In addition self love being a substantial component in the middle of the spectrum.

  • Joy Activation, Release/Healing/Purify/Loving (it) of deep trauma healing and removing blockages 

  • Meditation: Cultivate necessary skills to embody living in the freedom of the now through meditation including awareness, discipline and concentration. 

Sun would like to share her process with you so you can have more joy and reduce stress, release blockages and optimize your life to the fullest. Her ultimate goal is to raise the collective consciousness where every person is inspired to take action towards the greater good.